Coming back soon...

Dear All,

Thanks for your support, I guarantee that I will be back soon. At the moment I'm working on other project of sharing exciting stuff to all of you.

If you want to get more information when I'm back, you should subscribe your email to this Subscription.

Miss you too...

Good luck,


Anonymous said…
Hi!!!! It's great hearing from you!!! Take your time! I've already suscripted for more information!!
Thanks for coming back!!!
We missed you!
Anonymous said…
Welcome back my friend!!!!
Anonymous said…
Glad to hear from you. You will never know how many wonderful hours of fun you have given me since I am housebound. Thank you so much.
Anonymous said…
Wahay! So glad you're coming back :) I've subscribed too.
Anonymous said…
still waiting :P LOL
Anonymous said…
Hiya, just love your site and got so so addicted to search and find games. Thanks so much.
Angelika said…
it's soooo longggg....
Anonymous said…
come back pleaseeeeeeeeee
Anonymous said…
i cant live without you !!!
Anonymous said…
Come back soon :) hope your enjoying vacation!
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Thanks so much for this wonderful website.
WHen you return, would you be willing to reactivate the download link to the game AQUABALL (from October 2006) The link/download has expired and I would love to play this game. Please advise!
With gratitude
Anonymous said…
"SOON" when?
Anonymous said…
oh noeeees! miss you!

Demetrio said…
come back pleaseeeeeeeeee
come back pleaseeeeeeeeee
come back pleaseeeeeeeeee
come back pleaseeeeeeeeee
come back pleaseeeeeeeeee
Anonymous said…
!!!!WE MISS YOU!!!!

a few suggestions:

Cradle of Persia
Dream Day First Home
Ashley Jones and the Heart of Egypt
Hidden Secrets - The Nightmare
Turbo Pizza
Turbo Subs
The Apprentice - Los Angeles
Anonymous said…
OMG! whats with these whiners !
Can't you crack your own games !
The keygens floating all around the internet
Anonymous said…
A great collection of the best Mobile and Handy tools!
Anonymous said…
it is tooooooo long to leave.! Almost 4 months while others new games have been released. While waiting (or not), all you guys can visit TONS of games.Have a nice day...
Token said…
thanks for your support, i'm a little bit busy, will post your request games
Anonymous said…
Glad you are back!!

A suggestion:

Anonymous said…
Please can you re-post the game AQUABALL? The link to it from 2006 has expired. Let me know and thanks

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