Tower Bloxx Deluxe


Reach for the skies in this wacky skyscraper construction game. In Tower Bloxx Deluxe, your task is to build brand new homes for the Tower Toons - funny little people who move in and turn on the lights before they even have a roof. As a renowned tower builder, you'll use funky physics to rebuild cities like Sycamore Vale. Align building blocks that swing precariously from the crane in this dynamic Puzzle game, Tower Bloxx Deluxe.

Password: s7or4x


Anonymous said…
hai.. really addicted to your blog, love it so much.. ^_^
i've browsed through your blog and found a lot version of sims game (mostly posted on 2007), but when i try to download, there's an error said that : (for example i tried to download sims 2-bon voyage game)

The requested URL could not be retrieved

While trying to retrieve the URL:

The following error was encountered:

Unable to determine IP address from host name for
The dnsserver returned:

Name Error: The domain name does not exist.
This means that:

The cache was not able to resolve the hostname presented in the URL.
Check if the address is correct.

Is that error because the game already been deleted??
Could you please re-upload them again??
Thank you so much..
Anonymous said…
something is not right with this link
Anonymous said…
again sonething is not ok with this game, when downloaded can't be started....
Anonymous said…
Hi Sher... Please visit for more games
Token said…
can you try again?
Anonymous said…
hai token.
the same problem still happens, with the same error also.. hiks..

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